Wellness CBD Solutions

Our CBD Products

How Does CBD Work?


 CBD works on the body’s Endocannabinoid System which absorbs the CBD via CB1 and CB2 receptors.

The body would usually create endo-cannabinoids to supply these receptors. As we age or have issues with our health, they body is unable to create enough of these endo-cannabinoids to supply the receptors. This is where CBD comes in to play.

The cannabinoids in CBD, particularly Full Spectrum products, are very similar to the ones the body would ordinarily produce. So much so, the body readily uses these cannabinoids in place of the ones it is struggling to make.

Nature has provided a perfect plant substitute that will supply the body with essential ‘regulators’ to replace the deficiency within the body.

Why is this so important?

The Endocannabinoid System is responsible for bringing the body in to homeostasis. It is essential for regulating many of the body’s systems.

These systems are essential for:

  • Restful sleep/repair
  • Hormone regulation
  • Memory
  • Motor Co-ordination
  • Appetite
  • Muscle Condition/Movement
  • Emotion/Mood

So, without these cannabinoids the body can suffer from states of repetitive pain and inflammation, in the case of an old injury or arthritis. It can experience decreased sleep resulting in less time for the body to repair. It can also experience depression and anxiety through reduced hormone production.

CBD has been proven to stimulate serotonin production. Serotonin is the feel-good hormone. Scientists have linked a decrease in serotonin levels with depression. Interestingly, CBD has been proven to decrease levels of anxiety in a research study of 115 individuals. Depression and anxiety are often interlinked as the ECS systems are thrown off balance creating sleeplessness, tiredness, anxiety and depression.

The Common Types of CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD products contain an array of cannabinoids and terpenes but zero THC. Secondary cannabinoids may include CBG, CBN, CBC, CBDV.


Full-spectrum CBD is also known as whole plant CBD because it refers to products that don’t only contain CBD but also have traces of the other cannabinoids listed above as well as THC. All of our Full Spectrum products contain under the legal limit of 0.3% THC, which means they will not get you ‘high’. 


CBD Isolate is a fine white powder containing 99% pure CBD. This pure crystalline contains only the CBD chemical compound, offering CBD in its most concentrated form. CBD isolate is an all-natural cannabinoid supplement made from hemp oil that’s been refined down to a pure state.

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